Earthlings DVD on SALE!
Watch the Seven Minute Trailer.
EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby .
With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests. There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended!
EARTHLINGS has taken five years to produce. What began as a series of Public Service Announcements on spaying and neutering pets, evolved into a feature-length film on every major animal-related issue. Writer/Director Shaun Monson began the process by shooting footage at animal shelters in South Central L.A., Long Beach and North Hollywood. The PSAs were soon completed as his interest moved to other problem areas, like food and scientific research. In time, he accumulated a small library of material from several animal welfare organizations, and started editing. The process was a slow one. As footage gradually came in, Joaquin's narration was recorded (in stages), and a soundtrack was added. Along with all of Moby's music, some original pieces were also written for the film. In 2005, EARTHLINGS premiered at the Artivist Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Feature), followed by the Boston International Film Festival, (where it won the Best Content Award), and most recently at the San Diego Film Festival, (where it won Best Documentary Film, as well as the Humanitarian Award to Joaquin Phoenix for his work on the film). EARTHLINGS will be available on DVD on November 4, 2005.
The title of the Earthlings documentary reflects the notion that animals, humans and nature are all equal as earthlings. The word earthlings simply refers to the fact that we all inhabit the same earth. Throughout the documentary, the narration makes the point that there is little difference between racism, sexism or religious persecution and what the film calls speciesism. Speciesism is defined as the belief that we are innately better than the other earthlings we coexist with on the planet simply because we dominate them. The most poignant question that the movie asks is what makes people a superior species to animals. We all exist on the earth together, are all aware of our surroundings, and have all evolved together. Though the other earthlings do not speak our language, they have their own languages. They possess finely tuned natural instincts and senses that humans have lost long ago, and many animal species have inhabited this earth longer than humans have. Humans are not only related to monkeys and chimpanzees, they are related to every other living organism on the earth since we all evolved from the same humble beginnings. As earthlings we should be able to coexist in harmony instead of try to profit off exploiting the weakness of animals.
The Earthlings film points out that as humans, we are using our power to dominate animals as the reason why we can disrespect them as fellow creatures. Instead, humans should treat their power over animals as a responsibility to help protect them when they cannot protect themselves. To watch the Earthlings trailer, download the full length Earthlings movie or purchase the Earthlings DVD, visit the appropriate web page on the left navigation bar. After you have watched the movie, check out the Earthlings forum where you can discuss the movie with other people who have seen it. The forum is full of animal welfare experts who can help answer any questions or clear up confusion you might have after watching the documentary.
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