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We are pleased to announce that our latest film 'LAST NIGHT IN EDINBURGH' has been nominated for 2 BAFTA NEW TALENT awards for Best Drama and Best Actress. Congratulations to the nominees. Please visit our website for more details

Book review by Alysse Stepanian in the Journal for Critical Animal Studies (JCAS)

JCAS VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4, 2012; pg. 188-197
Review of 2011 book by Ron Broglio

Surface Encounters: Thinking with Animals and Art. University of Minnesota Press.
Artists discussed in the book are: Damien Hirst, Carolee Schneemann, Snæbjörnsdóttir & Wilson, Olly and Suzi, Marcus Coates, and Matthew Barney.

Excerpt from the review:

Khaneh Random


Back in time...

Undercover Investigation Teknik

Artists Taking Steps Toward PARECON

Artists Taking Steps Toward PARECON

Artists create not just a thing of value, we create the thing of value. And yet, we live on the margins and accept our status as "starving." Part of the problem is that we also accept our situation as is, without thinking much about it. The problem is that our creative abilities are directed toward the production of a thing, as opposed to a better situation. When we step back and look at our situation, it is quite easy to create better situations where we as artists and the larger community are better served. It is quite easy to take a step toward a more democratic or participatory economy (PARECON) where we have some control over what we do and who we become.

Don’t Be a Bybee

Greetings everyone. I have been invited to write a little for SoCiArts and I have decided to call my column "The Frame" because I wish to explore how creativity is constrained and framed by our political and economic institutions. I have made my living as a visual artist for about 20 years and I found ways of doing this without participating in traditional venues, competitions, grant writing and those sorts of things largely because I believe that our art industry does more to crush creativity than it does to broaden it. The general theme of "The Frame" is to encourage artists (which in itself is an elitist concept that we need to think about) to resist the old institutions of the art industry and to help build our own new institutions in their place.

Success Strategies of Iranian American Leaders - رمز موفقیت ایرانیان در آمریکا

5 Secrets of Multicultural Success according to Dr. Amin, in her newly published book Success Strategies of Iranian American Leaders are:

Social Skills
Lifelong Education

Women Who Bathe Together

At a public bath in Morocco, I watched a young adolescent bathe her grandmother. She picked up each limb, moved her breasts this way and that, and shifted her belly about to reach every crevice. She stood over her, squatted next to her, and sat alongside her as she put a fair amount of muscle into scrubbing her grandmother clean. The black soap made from olive oil oozed from the coarse cloth she used to slough off the dead skin and dirt. The grandmother lolled on the tiled floor in a reverie.

A Call to Artists: Support Parecon

A history of art over the last 100 years, not as the history of the product, the piece, but as the history of decision making within our industry, is the history of investors acquiring greater control over the distribution, the definition, and the making of art products - and thus over who we are. It is the history of power slipping further from the people who make the piece to the people who profit from the piece. Yes, there are individual art stars aplenty. But as workers in an industry, we are being ground into dust.


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