Ecstatic Ritual with Guest Musicians in Santa Monica
Ecstatic Ritual with Guest Musicians in Santa Monica
8 - 9:30 PM
235 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 90405
Park in the Church in Ocean Park parking lot, north of the church on Hill St.,
Dance the poetry and teachings of Rumi and Hafez. From high-powered ecstatic dance and ritual to deep calm, take a journey in your inner terrain with Middle Eastern trance music and arrive in union with others.
Feel your fullest presence in the Here and Now with movement, luscious and devotional that brings you in touch with your core - calm, centered, radiant, open and free. Journey through a complete warm-up to ancient and new rituals of shaking, waves, reverential bowing and free-form. Arriving and ready for Sema, you have the option to whirl or sit in meditation. Open your Heart and unleash your creativity through liquid yet grounded movement, whole body undulations, and sensing your chakras.
Open to All. You can join anytime. Dress comfortably and bring soft-soled shoes or socks
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